Vladimir Vasilevich Prudnikov
Born:15.08.1952 (Kazan).
M.Sc.:1974 Kazan State University.
Ph.D.:1978 Kazan State University.
Docent:1984 Omsk State University.
Associate Prof.:1986 Omsk State University.
D.Sci.in Mathematics & Physics :2000 Kazan State University.
Professor in Theoretical Physics :2000 Omsk State University.
Basic scientific interests:
Theory of Phase transitions and Critical phenomena.
- Phase transitions in disordered systems.
- Monte Carlo simulations of systems near critical point.
Quantum Theory of Solid State Physics
- Methods of calculation of work function and surface energy
of metalls and ionic crystalls in frame of density functional method.
- Methods of calculation adhesional characteristics
of metalls and semiconductors .
Teaching(Main lecture's courses ):
- Statistical Physics and Kinetics.
- Quantum Theory of Solid State.
- Phase Transition and Critical Phenomena.
- Theory of Magnetic Phenomena.
- Monte Carlo simulations of Critical Phenomena.
Selected publications
Prof. Vladimir V.Prudnikov
Department of Physics
Omsk State University,
644077 Omsk, RUSSIA