Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condenced Matter Physics
Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics
High Performance Computing and Modeling on Supercomputer
Statistical Physics
Information Technologies in Science
Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena
Renormalization-group methods
Dynamic Critical Phenomena
Supercomputer Technologies in Science and Education
Numerical Methods of Data Processing
Modern Concepts of Natural Science
Introduction to Specialty
Phase transitions and critical phenomena in disordered and complex systems
Non-equilibrium critical phenomena
Thin magnetic films and multilayer structures with giant magnetic resistance
Monte Carlo methods in statistical physics
Out-of-equilibrium critical behavior: aging phenomena and short-time dynamics
Ageing and non-equilibrium critical phenomena in Monte Carlo simulations of the three-dimensional pure
and diluted Ising models;
Field-theoretical and renormalization-group description of disordered systems
Influence of long-range correlated defects on critical ultrasound propagation in solids;
Parallel and distributed calculation
2002-2002, the Grant of the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR) for young scientist 02-02- 06181;
2003-2003, the Grant of the Russian Ministry of Education for young scientist А03-2.9-73;
2004-2005, the Joint DAAD and Russian Ministry Research Fellowship
Duisburg-Essen University, group of Prof. Dr. H.W. Diehl;
2004-2006, the International Grant of the RFBR and NNSF of China 04-02-39000;
2005-2006, the Grant of the RFBR 05-02-16188;
2006-2007, the Grant of the Russian Federation President for young candidates MK.8738.02;
2009-2011, the Grant of the Russian Ministry of Education 2.1.1/930;
2010-2011, the Grant of the Russian Federation President for young candidates МК-3815.2010.2;
2010-2012, the Grant of the Russian Ministry of Education 02.740.11.0541;
2010-2012, the Grant of the RFBR 10-02-00787;
2014-2016, the Grant of the Russian Science Foundation 14-12-00562;
2016-2017, the Grant of the Russian Federation President for young doctors МD-6024.2016.2;
2018-2019, the Grant of the RFBR 18-42-550003;
2018-2019, the Grant of the Russian Federation President for young doctors МD-6868.2018.2;
2019-2021, the Grant of the RFBR 19-32-90261;
2020-2021, the Grant of the RFBR 20-32-70189;
2020-2021, the Grant of the Russian Federation President for young doctors МD-2229.2020.2;
2020-2022, the Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 0741-2020- 0002;
Prudnikov V.V., Vakilov A.N. and Prudnikov P.V. Phase transitions and Monte Carlo methods. – (Moscow: Fizmatlit) , 2009 (in Russian)
Prudnikov V.V., Prudnikov P.V. and Vakilov A.N. Description of nonequilibrium critical behaviour in disordered systems by the theoretical methods (Moscow: Fizmatlit), 2014 (in Russian)
Marginal effect of structural defects on the nonequilibrium critical behavior of the two-dimensional Ising model // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2020. V. 130. P. 258-273. doi
Non-equilibrium vortex annealing of structural disorder in Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless dynamics of the two-dimensional XY-model // EPL. 2019. V. 128. 26002. doi
Manifestation of aging in giant magnetoresistance of the Co/Cu/Co nanostructure // J. Phys. Commun. 2019. V. 3. 015002. doi
P.V. Prudnikov, V.V. Prudnikov, M.V. Mamonova, N.I. Piskunova. Influence of anisotropy on magnetoresistance in magnetic multilayer structures // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2019. Vol.482. P. 201-205. doi
Non-equilibrium critical dynamics of multilayer magnetic structures // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2019. V. 470. P. 143-146. doi
Effects of Superaging and Percolation Crossover on the Nonequilibrium Critical Behavior of the Two- Dimensional Disordered Ising Model // JETP Lett. 2018. V. 107. P. 569-576. doi
Superaging and Subaging Phenomena in a Nonequilibrium Critical Behavior of the Structurally Disordered Two-Dimensional XY Model // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2018. V. 126. P. 368-382. doi
Aging Effects in the Nonequilibrium Behavior of Magnetic Superstructures and Their Manifestation in Magnetoresistance // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2018, V. 127. No. 4. P. 731-741. doi
The peculiarities of the nonequilibrium critical behavior of a model statistical systems and methods of their description // Physics-Uspekhi. 2017. doi
Non-equilibrium critical behavior of thin Ising films // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2017. doi
Monte Carlo calculations of the magnetoresistance in magnetic multilayer structures with giant magnetoresistance effects // J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2016. V. 49. 235002.
Influence of disorder on ageing and memory effects in non-equilibrium critical dynamics of 3D Ising model relaxing from an ordered state // J. Stat. Mech.: Theory and Experiment. 2016. 043303.
Aging effects in the nonequilibrium behavior of multilayer magnetic superstructures. // JETP Letters. 2016. V. 104. N. 11. P. 776-783.
Ageing and non-equilibrium critical phenomena in Monte Carlo simulations of the three-dimensional pure and diluted Ising models. // Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2015. 053A01.
Dimensionality crossover in critical behaviour of ultrathin ferromagnetic films // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2015. V. 387. P. 77-82.
Influence of disorder on critical ageing in 3D Ising model // Physics Letters A. 2015. V. 379 P. 774-778.
Aging and memory effects in the nonequilibrium critical behavior of structurally disordered magnetic materials in the course of their evolution from the low-temperature initial state // JETP Letters. 2015. V. 102. N. 3. P. 167-175.
Monte Carlo simulation of multilayer magnetic structures and calculation of the magnetoresistance coefficient // JETP Letters, 2015, V. 102, No. 10, pp. 668?673.
Nonequilibrium aging effects in the critical behavior of structurally disordered planar magnets // JETP Letters. 2015. V. 101. N. 8. P. 539-544.
Dimensional effects in ultrathin magnetic films // JETP Letters. 2014. V. 100. N 7. P. 446-450.
Monte Carlo investigations of the influence of structural defects on aging effects and the violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for a nonequilibrium critical behavior in the three-dimensional Ising model // JETP. 2014. V. 118. N 3. P. 401-409.
Investigation of the effects of aging and temperature dependence of the transverse rigidity of a system in the two-dimensional XY model // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2014. V. 115. N 12. P. 1186-1193.
Calculation of the Fluctuation-Dissipation Ratio for the Nonequilibrium Critical Behavior of Disordered SystemsNon-equilibrium critical relaxation of the 3D Heisenberg magnets with long-range correlated disorder. // JETP Letters 2013. V. 98. N. 10 P. 619-625.
Non-equilibrium critical relaxation of the 3D Heisenberg magnets with long-range correlated disorder. // Progress of Theoretical Physics. 2012. V. 127. N. 3 P. 369-382.
Non-equilibrium critical dynamics of structurally disordered systems with long range correlated defects. // JETP Letters 2011. V. 93. N. 2 P. 103-108.
Short-time dynamics and critical behavior of the three-dimensional site-diluted Ising model. // Physical Review E. 2010. V. 81. P. 011130-1 011130-11.
Non-equilibrium critical relaxation of structurally disordered systems in the short-time regime: renormalization group description and computer simulation. // JETP. 2010. V. 110. N. 2 P. 253-264.
Influence of long-range correlated defects on critical ultrasound propagation in solids. // Phys. Rev. B. 2009. V. 80. P. 024115-1 024115-11.
Renormalization-group description of non-equilibrium critical short-time relaxation processes: a three-loop approximation. // JETP. 2008. V. 106. N. 6. P. 1095-1101.
Effect of structural defects on anomalous ultrasound propagation in solids during second-order phase transitions. // JETP. 2008. V. 106. N. 5. P. 897-904.
Computer simulation of the critical behavior of 3D disordered Ising model. // JETP. 2007. V. 105. N. 2. P. 371-378.
Short-time critical dynamics of the three-dimensional systems with long-range correlated disorder. // Progress of Theoretical Physics. 2007. V. 117. N. 6. P. 973-991.
Boundary critical behaviour at m-axial Lifshitz points of semi-infinite systems with a surface plane perpendicular to a modulation axis. // J. Phys. A: Math.Gen. 2006. V. 39. P. 7927-7942.
The influence of disorder on the critical sound attenuation in solids. // J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 2005. V. 17. P. L485-L492.
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