![]() Latin variants of surname: Gouts, Goots, Gootz, Guc |
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More than 470 papers, reports and abstracts are published.
Papers from Los Alamos E-Print Archive xxx.lanl.gov:
- Toposes in General Theory of Relativity. - Paper: gr-qc/9610073.
(with Egor B. Grinkevich)- Time machine as four-dimensional wormhole - Paper: gr-qc/9612064.
- Restoration of the Past and three Principle of Time. - Paper: physics/9705014
- Solution of the vacuum Einstein equations in Synthetic Differential Geometry of Kock-Lawvere. - Paper: physics/9909016. (with Artem A. Zvyagintsev)
- Interaction of the Past of parallel universes - Paper: physics/9910037
- Topos-theoretic Model of the Deutsch Multiverse - Paper: physics/0203071 (Web-version)
Books and Text-books:
- Mathematics
- Topoi. - Omsk: OmSU, 1989. - 35 p.
- Analytic geometry and Geometrical algebra. - Omsk: OmSU, 1992. - 38 p.
- Cardinal and Transfinite numbers. - Omsk: OmSU, 1995. - 80 p.
- Mathematical Logic and Algorithm theory. - Omsk: Dialog-Siberia, 2003. - 108 p.
- Mathematical Logic and Algorithm theory. - Moscow: Book house LIBROKOM 2009. - 120 p.
- Computer Science
- Electronic mail and InterNet in OmSU. - Omsk: OmSU, 1997. - 146 p.
- Complex Analysis and Informatics. - Omsk: OmSU, 2002. - 144p.
- Complex Analysis and Cybernetics - Moscow: LKI publ., 2010. 144p.
- Trojan Horses. - Omsk: Dialog-Siberia, 2003. - 84p.
- Foundation of Quantum Cybernetics - Omsk: KAN Publ., 2008. -204p.
- Analisis complejo y cibernetica (spanish). - Moscu.: URSS, 2011. 208p.
- Game theory and defence of computer systems. - Omsk: OmSU publ, 2013. 160p.
- Cybernetics - Omsk: OmSU publ., 2014. 188p.
- Synthetic Computability - Omsk: OmSU publ., 2016. 152p.
- Physics
- Elements of Time Theory. - Omsk: Dialog-Siberia, 2004. - 364p.
- Chronogeometry. - Omsk: UniPak, 2008. - 340p.
- Elements of Time Theory.. - Moscow: URSS, 2011. - 376p.
- Physics of Reality. - Omsk: KAN Publ., 2012. - 424p.
- Time. Time Machine. Parallel universes. - Moscow: URSS, 2019. 376p.
- Sociology
- Global Ethnic Sociology - Omsk: OmSU, 1997. - 215 p.
- Global Ethnic Sociology - Moscow: URSS, 2009. - 248p.
- Social Systems. Formalization and Computer Simulation. - Omsk: OmSU, 2000. - 160p.
- Mathematic Models of Social Systems. - Omsk: OmSU, 2000. - 256p.
- Computer Simulation. Tools for Researh of Social Processes - Omsk: OmSU, 2001. - 92p.
- Mathematical Sociology. - Omsk: Dialog-Siberia, 2003. - 192p.
- Mathematical Methods in Sociology. - Moscow: URSS, 2007, 2010, 2012. - 192p.
- Metodos matematicos en la sociologia. (spanish). - Moscu.: URSS, 2014. 304p.
- Mathematical Logic for Sociologiests.
- Omsk: OmSU publ., 2017. - 196p.- Modeling of Social Systems - Omsk: OmSU publ., 2019 - 164p.
- History
- True History of Russia. - Omsk, OmSU, 1999. - 192 p.
- Many-variant History of Russia. - Moscow: AST, St.-Peterburg: POLYGON, 2000. - 381p.
- Ecology
- Cybernetics of Forest Ecosystem Catastrophes. - Omsk: KAN Publ., 2012. - 220 p.
- Omsk-On-Line (with Alla Zakharova)
- Pictures of Lucas Cranach the Elder
- Pictures of Konstantin Vasilyev in Omsk
- Leningrad Geometric School
- Modeling and Simulation Ethnic and Social Processes
- Theory of Time Machines and Superfast InterSteller Ship
- New Chronology of the World History
- Kozyrev's Theory of Time
- Revolt Pimenov (Russian)
- Poet Vadim Delone (Russian)
- True History of Russia (Russian)
- Siberian Toposes
- Quantum Mechanics of Hugh Everett
- Poliyanovka Village